Monday, January 14, 2008

The Move

It is the day before I move to NYC. I am celebrating with a cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee, and thus I have come to realize that I don't know how to properly 'celebrate.' Do I know what 'to celebrate' means? Is having a cup of coffee...a celebration? I have packed my large suitcases with things I need (long johns) and things I don't need (over sized paperclips). This move has been really easy and really hard. I went the slow, do a little each day route, and all of a sudden I had no furniture and no car. Packing my bags however, has ruined any hopes of living a baggage free life in '08. I can't seem to shake my addiction to office supplies and glass antiques. Not to mention, 'quitting sugar for good' has only compounded my packing stress.

I have received a bludgeoning from the 'Omen's office,' if there is such a place. My car started to sputter the moment I needed to sell it, my teeth show up riddled with cavities (11), I have a black bruise on my back the size of an English muffin and my foot (the one I need for walking) has started to pain me. The cavities alone would drive a man to stay home from NYC, but not me...I am a survivor.

When I arrive in NYC, I don't expect to cry myself to sleep...I will post on what actually happens.

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