Thursday, January 31, 2008

Moving uptown to Harlem

Tonight, was one of the single most pleasurable experiences of my lifetime.

Went to "Showman's" a jazz club at 125th street off the B train i believe. Unbelievable. The man of the hour, Joey Morant, was hilarious and an amzing trumpet player and singer. He kept trying to get me to dance, but I was having no part of it. I was wearing a sweater...who dances in a sweater?

He played some good ole tunes, and it was no big deal. That's what I like about this some great big deal. What I don't that we each got 3 drinks (i got two whiskey ginger ales and a beer) and it was $55 bucks. That's a tab. That's a NYC tab.

The night before I went to Rodi Bodi, an Indian food restaurant in Queens. Unchartered waters. it was the most delicious food I have ever tasted. Believe it.

Gordon Smith, gotta quit yo' job and move on up.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

I look like a photographer

Now this is where I eat fruit, and where I walk to the's all in good fun, don't mind the mess.

When I first arrived in Jersey City, I neared my street seeing beautiful housing...

Then I arrived at my place, a simpler solution

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

No pictures

i cannot believe I haven't taken any pictures. I will have to do that soon.

I got the Sick. The Sick that is floating around everyday and every nite looking for victims on the subway. I was frolicking around the city without a care of purell or hand washing. I thought I would be doing myself a favor in the long run. No, I wasn't. Luckily, it is just a wee cold and I just feel crumby, not like I am dying.

I went to the "art opening" of my favorite blogger last night, The Sartorialist. He takes pictures of people that "look good" on the street and makes a post about them. His pictures were printed out and displayed, but you couldn't see them through the 1,000 people that showed up. Not that many, but the line was out the door and half the block down to get in. I was there early, so it was cramped, but I didn't have to wait. Was it worth it? Mostly.

I should be working on my resume, so as much fun as sitting in bed and writing about my nite has been, it's time to go.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Morning in the East

I went outside this morning, and took a solid look around where I live. It doesn't look like much...there is trash all around our door and sidewalk, but it was nice anyway. It looked a little scummy in the bright sunlight. Oh yea, it's a beautiful day.

I woke up in my lovely is lovely...i slept like a log....a log covered in warm moss.

So far, I have left the house for some coffee...and I feel like everywhere I go I am sticking out as someone who hasn't got a clue. It's because I don't. I am scared to go to the "big city" alone, but it is such a lovely day I can't really afford not to. I don't like to wonder without a purpose. i like to know where I am going and walk with some sort of confidence, that I know what will be around the corner. This is not possible of course...

I am going to get off the computer and do something else.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Jersey

Here I sit at my dresser that I have turned into a temporary desk. My knees scrunched up against my t-shirt drawer, I can't tell if it feels better to stand or to sit down. My feet hurt to say the least. My new, awesome room mate said that he had a past of telling people it was "just up the road" when it was really 2 miles. He did tell me it was quite a walk to the Super Target (score), but I didn't think it would have much of an effect. Let's just say this ole' gal is out of shape.

I am moved in pretty much completely. If there is any greater feeling than moving into a new city, then into a new room in less than 2 hours...I don't know about it. My gift to you readers is this: Selling your shit and moving in 2 suitcases rules. I don't have a lack of room right now, I have just enough. And it is just one room. It rules. However, moving in with people that alread have furniture for you is pretty awesome too.

My plan, you may ask yourself? I don't have one, or rather, I am making it as I type. Maybe buy some stuff, maybe find a job, maybe look around. don't know.

If i figure out how to get pictures up, I will.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Move

It is the day before I move to NYC. I am celebrating with a cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee, and thus I have come to realize that I don't know how to properly 'celebrate.' Do I know what 'to celebrate' means? Is having a cup of coffee...a celebration? I have packed my large suitcases with things I need (long johns) and things I don't need (over sized paperclips). This move has been really easy and really hard. I went the slow, do a little each day route, and all of a sudden I had no furniture and no car. Packing my bags however, has ruined any hopes of living a baggage free life in '08. I can't seem to shake my addiction to office supplies and glass antiques. Not to mention, 'quitting sugar for good' has only compounded my packing stress.

I have received a bludgeoning from the 'Omen's office,' if there is such a place. My car started to sputter the moment I needed to sell it, my teeth show up riddled with cavities (11), I have a black bruise on my back the size of an English muffin and my foot (the one I need for walking) has started to pain me. The cavities alone would drive a man to stay home from NYC, but not me...I am a survivor.

When I arrive in NYC, I don't expect to cry myself to sleep...I will post on what actually happens.